The Rebirth of a Community

THE OVERVIEW: Melrose Plaza is an inspiring and innovate project spearheaded by Goodwill Industries of the Valleys that will help end the food desert in Northwest Roanoke. Help residents achieve their fullest potential.
Improve the quality of life for residents and create a new sense of community pride.

THE CHALLENGE: We were also given the honor of helping to create the new Melrose Plaza brand and website, all of which was designed, created, and launched in under 14 days. Not our standard timeline, but when clients are in need, we find a way. We then turned our focus toward public relations, community engagement, growing brand equity, and social media activation. We are also heavily engaged with the development wayfinding for interior and exterior signage and interior brand building.

THE RESULT: Building a new brand overnight is always challenging, but initial indicators show great promise. Since the launch, Melrose social channels’ engagement rate increased 5.87%. Our groundbreaking Facebook post achieved nearly 2,000 impressions and a reach of 1,340. Instagram engagement rate increased 17%.

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A key initiative at our Goodwill is to be a leader in a community of need. That community is the northwest area of the city of Roanoke. Goodwill is leaning in hard to eliminate poverty in this area of the city by opening of Melrose Plaza, a northwest hub for access to fresh food, learning, wellness, and financial empowerment. We partnered with AccessU to create a unique logo that would not only be identified as a separate one from the strong Goodwill brand, but also one that clearly represented the population that our Melrose Plaza will serve. Their team delivered above expectation with not only a dynamic, colorful, and truly representative logo, but also a complete brand that has brought life to the innovative and impactful project. Lastly, they worked against unimaginable deadlines and successfully met them with a strong delivery. Their work was not only pleasing to our internal team, but to the neighbors in the community who will experience direct impact. This new initiative will be the first of its kind in Goodwill history, and having a strong brand means a great deal! AccessU delivered!

Mindy Boyd, Chief Operating Officer Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Challenge Results





melrose plaza collage