Todd Marcum
Senior Copywriter
You may know Todd Marcum as the cofounder of AccessU’s parent company or as the writer and co-producer of “Shine,” a full-length documentary capturing the rich advertising and public relations history of Southwest Virginia. Todd has been recognized as a recipient of the American Advertising Federation Silver Medal for lifetime contributions to the advertising industry and a member of the Marshall University School of Journalism and Mass Communications Hall of Fame. He has served as a Board Member of the Bradley Free Clinic, a Team Sleep in Heavenly Peace volunteer, and a volunteer with the John Marshall Legal Society.
Recently, Todd transitioned into a fulfilling role, “living life as an independent study,” enjoying time with his two children and wife, Rhonda. Todd continues his contributions to the advertising world as a consultant and in service as a volunteer for several local organizations.
Todd has been an integral part of AccessU from the start, and we are honored to have Todd’s contributions to our current team as Senior Copywriter.
Career sans advertising:
Game show host. Communications, in some form, is all I ever wanted to do.