Hanging onto the Demographic Cliff: How Community Colleges Can Climb

Hanging onto the Demographic Cliff: How Community Colleges Can Climb

Jon Boeckenstedt’s essay, published by The Chronicle of Higher Education, takes a look at national trends created by the sharp drop in birth rates that started in 2007 and the potential consequences.   Public high school graduations are expected to peak in 2025 at 3.5 million students, and then fall off.   Since baby boomers first […]

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Finding the Missing Hispanic Students 

Finding the Missing Hispanic Students 

Undergraduate college enrollment is down across the board, but an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights staggering statistics surrounding the decline in Hispanic Americans pursuing their degree, and the implications of their absence in higher education. Many colleges around the country are facing the fact that Hispanic students are not coming back to class. The […]

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What Higher Ed is Losing when Students Self-Censor

What Higher Ed is Losing when Students Self-Censor

A University of Virginia student’s opinion essay in The New York Times has sparked a larger conversation across higher education institution leaders and students about free speech. The author, UVA senior Emma Camp, argues that she and her peers find themselves censoring their thoughts and opinions in the classroom and throughout campus out of fear of retaliation. Why does […]

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Why College Enrollment Is a Marketing Problem

Why College Enrollment Is a Marketing Problem

Student enrollment at colleges and universities dropped this fall, continuing a trend that’s concerned many in higher education since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The declines run counter to previous years’ gains that had some institutions worried about being able to keep up with the increasing demand for student slots. Colleges and universities are […]

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Social Media Centers of Excellence

Social Media Centers of Excellence

Welcome to Social Media Centers of Excellence, a new series in which we explore social channels you may think you understand – as well as those you don’t – through audiences’ viewpoints. Approaching an important communication channel from the audience perspective may seem like an obvious strategy, but years of turnover and one-way social media […]

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Social Media Centers of Excellence: TikTok

Social Media Centers of Excellence: TikTok

If there’s one channel today that both mystifies and delights, it’s TikTok! Somehow TikTok has become one of the largest, most engaging social media platforms, seemingly overnight. It has all the trappings of a few other platforms rolled into one. (Including dead ones like Vine. #RIP Vine, we hardly knew ye.) The behavior that exists […]

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Social Media Centers of Excellence: Instagram

Social Media Centers of Excellence: Instagram

Instagram: we know it, we use it, and we know everyone else uses it. But do we truly understand how students use Instagram? If you’ve been reading our Social Media Centers of Excellence series, you may have seen us break down YouTube and TikTok, explaining their distinct advantages and how to use them successfully. Instagram […]

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Social Media Centers of Excellence: YouTube

Social Media Centers of Excellence: YouTube

YouTube – practically a commodity in the online world as a video buffet – is a channel many institutions feel comfortable with because they’ve figured out how to deploy content. It’s a channel you might even have felt good about years ago. But the differences between how we deploy it for marketing and how students […]

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